Friday, January 11, 2008


One of the never-ending sagas in our city, other than taxes and how stinky the Leafs are every season, is violence. Gang violence, gun violence, youth violence and domestic violence.

Rarely can anyone go through their lives without being touched by it themselves, or knowing someone who's been a victim of it.

And more often than not, we say “Why don't police do this?” and “Why don't politicians do that?” We're always calling for someone to step up and I've got a simple and inexpensive way for you to do the very same thing.

The New Flow 93.5 is entering a team in this year's Big Brothers & Big Sisters Bowl for Kids Sake fundraiser on Saturday, February 2nd. I'm the team captain and on top of the team goal, I've set a personal fundraising benchmark that I'd really like to smash, with your help.

For those who don't know what Big Brothers & Big Sisters do, it's an invaluable mentoring program that serves over 12-hundred families in Toronto, by setting-up kids with someone who talks to them, hangs-out with them and creates a life-changing bond that in some cases, can set a child destined for disaster, on the road to personal and professional success.

Currently, there are more than 500-kids in the city that desperately need that connection in their lives, but they’re on a waiting list. And here's where you come in. If you want to help out, you can do one of two things. Log onto to find out how to volunteer, or you can pledge me and the Flow team!

I know it's after Christmas and money is super tight for just about everyone, so I don't expect a lot and I've set a very humble fundraising goal. But if you've got 5-bucks to spare, I'll take it! Instead of buying coffee or lunch today, throw together a sandwich on your way out this morning and donate what you would've spent to Big Brothers & Big Sisters instead.

If you're interested, which I really hope you are, just email me! and I'll send you all the information and the website link. Thanks for listening to my plea and did I mention you also get a tax receipt?

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on The New Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!