Friday, January 4, 2008


If you're looking for this decade's sign of the apocalypse, I've got it for you!

As part of my New Years resolution-type deals, I want to open myself up to new ideas, new people and I suppose to a lesser extent, new gadgets.

So, me, Ruby "I greatly dislike technology" Jones, have finally got a cellphone!

I've always been against following trends, and upon that news, a friend of mine said "welcome to the 90's!" And yes, I know you're probably looking up at the sky right now, wondering when it's about to fall, but I swear, it's true! I got connected just the other day.

It took quite a while to get the thing working because I couldn't figure out where to put the SIM card and the poor service rep on the phone had a hard time describing just how to do it. So after about an hour of registering, coding, inputting and placing the SIM card correctly, I was wireless ready! Though, it's a bit of a bitter-sweet thing for me.

However, I suppose it was about time I started using a cellphone. Not because all my friends and co-workers have them. Not because even 7-year old kids got them in their stocking for Christmas. And certainly not because I'm relentlessly teased about not having one.

Nope, I got cellphone-capable because of safety.

It actually has more to do with the fact pay-phones are dwindling away and I'd rather pay 30-bucks a month on phone and text charges, than 50-cents at a dirty, crusty payphone I have to walk 4-kilometres to find, and when I put a loony in, it won't give me any change back!

But I think this is the way phone companies want it. Afterall, they make a ton-more cash on your monthly bill than they ever did on our nickels, dimes and quarters way-back when all there was to use were pay phones.

At any rate, I'm facing reality, joining the new age and getting hip to all you cool cats. So here's hoping that if you ever see me on the street looking confused and taking 20-minutes to send a text message, you won't laugh at me.

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on The New Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!