Friday, January 18, 2008


This is a tough day for the city of Toronto. As you've probably heard, for the second time in less than a week, an innocent bystander has been shot dead.

Today's the funeral for John O'Keefe. The 42-year old father was walking by a dispute outside a downtown strip club when he was killed by a stray bullet. He was just on his way home after having a few beers with his buddies.

Last night, a man at work in a Riverdale grocery store lost his life when two idiots opened fire on each other on the street.

Toronto's Police Chief calls the act senseless and reckless. You'll also probably see lots of people talking on TV over the next few days about how scared they are to live, work and play in Toronto, but you can't afford to think that way.

As completely infuriating and insane as these two shootings are, and as much as our hearts ache for the men who died and the families and friends they leave behind, we can't be victims too.

Staying home, gripped by fear of going downtown or living your life because of a bunch of dumb-asses without-a-clue and even worse aim, will only let them win.

The vast majority of people you see on the street are good. They're not carrying a gun. They don't mean to harm you.

As unnerving as these last two shootings have been, I'm hoping we can all be moved to action and see how we can make a positive difference in our own lives, the lives of our family, friends, strangers and even in our city.

On a much lighter note, I gotta send-out a big thank you to Aman, Ashley and Marlene, who went out of their way to answer my call last week to donate to Big Brothers & Big Sisters.

You can still make a pledge to support the New Flow 93.5 team at the Bowl for Kids Sake fundraiser coming up in a couple of weeks. Just email me to find out more...and yes, I'll say your name on the air!

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on the New Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!