Tuesday, January 8, 2008


As you put on your bikini or speedo before heading-out to work or school this morning, I hope you thank Mother Nature for this blip on the weather radar.

I'm not going to lie, after that nasty, cold streak we had last week, my cracked lips and chaffed skin are more than ecstatic for another 14 degree day. But I'm happier about the fact there's no more icy sidewalks to try to maneuver without pulling the classic 'Bambi Ballet'.

I was walking in my very well-populated neighbourhood late last week and I simply couldn't believe the amount of built-up snow and ice on the sidewalks, as if restaurants and stores in my area thought Santa would miraculously clear away the heavy-duty winter residue for them.

Canada Post actually used the phrase, "Be Nice, Clear Your Ice" in an advertisement campaign years ago. They also have a long-standing rule that if you don't clear your walk after the snow comes, you don't get your mail.

So how ironical is it that even these guys can't even shovel their own damn property, making it safe to walk down the street.

I can't tell you how many times I had to stop myself from walking into the offending establishments to blast them for their total ignorance. Lucky for them, it was too damn perilous to hobble off the beaten path, that I just decided to give them a piece of my mind right here and now, instead.

Over the summer, there are all these campaigns from tree-huggers telling us to stop buying from stores that crank the air conditioning, while leaving their doors open, to try to lure you in.

Well, I'm thinking of starting my own campaign for lazy, butt-hole business and restaurant managers that think they're too damn good to shovel snow like the rest of us!

When you leave the double-sidewalk in front of your store covered in snow and ice, that sends a message to me that not only do you not care about your customers or getting new ones, you're also selfish and crappy human being for putting everyone's limbs at risk for having to walk by your sty.

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on The New Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!