Thursday, January 10, 2008


It's not often I see something on TV that has a positive impact on my life.

The nature of news, shows and other programming usually has something to do with scaring us into doing something, or changing some kind of negative behaviour we're all guilty of.

I'm not a fan of those kinds of tactics. They make you feel bad about yourself and honestly, if you're really concerned about me, you'll approach me in a caring and informed kind of way, without any spin.

And I gotta tell you, I watched a documentary out there that left me feeling a little ill, slightly heartbroken, but very empowered. If you have pay-tv, its called “Maxed Out” and it's all about credit cards and debt of that sort.

It's shot in America, where the laws are a little different, but the message and unfortunate situations we get ourselves into, are painfully, just the same here.

The documentary details how people are used, abused and fleeced by big banks, credit card companies, their collection agencies and even the government.

Now don't get me wrong, people get themselves into debt on their own. But when credit card companies continually send you applications for more plastic, it's like taking your chronically alcoholic buddy with you to the bar on Friday night. It's cruel and it just ain't nice.

This movie should be required viewing in high schools everywhere, since college and university students are targeted relentlessly by these leeches. They figure they can get you hooked on credit good and early, that way you'll be indebted to them for the rest of your natural life.

The bottom line is, credit card companies and banks aren't your friends. They don't care about you. They care about bleeding you dry any way they can. The sooner we wake up and realize this cold, harsh reality, the better our credit scores, marriages, mental and physical health will be.

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on The New Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!