Thursday, December 20, 2007


Over the last few years, I've had some difficulty accepting my age. Not that I look or feel old or anything, it's just that the numbers are getting higher and it's kinda freaking me out.

But the one good thing about being older is I get fewer presents at Christmas. Let me make it very clear, I'm NOT saying I don't want lots of presents, but as you age, the holiday haul tends to take a plunge.

If you're in the same boat, we should consider ourselves lucky for that because I can't help but notice that packaging these days has become a skill-testing activity or borderline extreme sport!

I'm so thankful I have all my digits and don't have arthritis, because some of the bubble-dome, crazy twist-tie and wire-strapped products out there are damn near impossible to free from their manufacturing bondage.

It's takes great skill, patience, a big knife, a saw, scissors, a crowbar, a hammer, and a whole lot of time to open packaging these days without being maimed!

And whoever came up with this stuff anyway?

The person that thought of a 5mm-thick piece of molded plastic, cocooning the prized product inside like a relic in a museum, should be fired!

Sure, it looks nice, but thousands of sliced-open hands and fingers later should prove that its not exactly a user-friendly way of packaging.

I'm sure it saves businesses lots of room on the truck, so they can haul more for a lot less. But if I break another light bulb trying to get it out of its plastic prison, I'm going to scream!

What the hell is wrong with the good, old fashioned cardboard box anyway? Not only is it more environmentally friendly to make, it won't take-off your fingers as you pry it open. It requires virtually no skill to get inside and more times than not, turns out to be an awesome new plaything for your pets or kids!

So here's one example where I think we can look back to the olden days with envy and think why can't things be like they used to?

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!