Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Whatever !

It's a nice time to be a pedestrian in Toronto, or maybe not!

Unless you've already burrowed underground to start hibernating, you no doubt noticed the healthy dash of snow we got over the weekend. I was out for a night on the town with fellow Flow goddesses Sam Mitchell and midday lady Jeni, when the flakes started flying!

No doubt about it, the scene was a gorgeous sight to behold! That was until I stepped out of the house yesterday morning, when it was anything but!

As if coming to work, dark and very early on a Monday morning isn't bad enough, it was painful to watch people clumsily jump sloppy, slushy snowdrifts to get on board the bus because the city didn't do its job.

We were warned last week about how the snow ploughs wouldn't be out like they used to, in order to save cash-starved Toronto a few million dollars. Just keep in mind, you’ll be fined over $100 if you don’t shovel within 12-hours of snowfall.

So how can our Mayor constantly extol the virtues of public transit, biking or walking as an environmentally healthy transportation alternative, when it's practically a death defying practice in this city after a snowstorm?

Sure, it's tough getting around when it's snowy and stuff, but what happened yesterday was unacceptable! Standing at a bus stop 24-hours after heavy snowfall and having to jump 5-feet over the snow and slush to get onto the bus is flat-out ridiculous for a place like Toronto.

Perhaps it's about that time for another generous credit card company to fork-over a wad of cash so the city can run properly and people don't have to fear for their safety. Because here in Toronto, using the sidewalks means you've got a 50/50 shot of a clean getaway, or a broken hip.

Instead of using taxpayers’ money on fancy dinners, art and limo rides, maybe the city should take that cash and invest in public shovels at every intersection.

I don't know about you, but I have no problem cleaning-up the sidewalk while waiting for the bus. At least I'll keep warm and do something for my fellow Torontonians, a basic level of courtesy I thought our elected officials were paid to provide us with.

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!