Thursday, December 6, 2007


When you turn on the TV or listen to music, sometimes it's hard to tell what's real.

Thanks to computers, there are so many ways of making people sound good, look good or bring mythological and sci-fi characters and situations to the screen and make them look like real-life.

While things like that can be totally mind-blowing and entertaining, something has got to be said for old fashioned, unquestionable, stand alone talent.

I saw that before my very eyes last week when I was lucky enough to catch a showing of Irving Berlin's White Christmas at the Sony Centre.

I've always been a fan of dance performances and listening to good singers, but this was as top-notch as you can get.

Not only were the sets and costumes beautiful and amazing to look at, the talent of everyone on that stage was stunning.

To see someone do an incredibly complicated tap routine in a way that makes it look like their floating across the stage, really is something to behold. So is someone gracefully belting out a tune with so much force and control, but making it look and sound effortless.

And the saddest part about this, is we don't get to see this stuff nearly enough. Toronto is a city of culture and there's always something going on, but a lot of us don't take advantage of it.

I'm pretty guilty of that, but when I do head out to see a show as truly wonderful as White Christmas is, it's a good reminder that the art and skill of live performance is still alive and well in our world, that seems to be overrun with lame movies, formulaic music videos, and over-the-top video games.

Sometimes getting back to the old fashioned basics is the most refreshing and enlightening thing you could ever expose yourself to.

So here's a challenge for you, instead of spending another 40-bucks for a night at the movie theatre, expand your horizons and open yourself up to real, live talent! It's definitely out there. All you got to do is be open to it!

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!