Friday, December 14, 2007


I was flipping through one of the papers yesterday and had to burst out laughing at the absolute, never-ending stupidity some people are capable of.

I suppose it's not nice to call someone stupid, but I can't think of a more appropriate word to describe the latest invention someone created for the more-than-pampered pooch out there.

Over the years, we've seen an alarming boom in the pet 'fashion' industry and here's hoping it's reached its plateau with the creation of the 'Puppoose'.

This thing, or sling, is like a purse for your dog, as in, you put your dog in this purse that has openings where their legs fit through and hang outside of the bag. It's pretty much like a baby carrier, except for your really hairy, 4-legged baby, which I thought were meant to walk, but anyway.

To say it looks ridiculous is the understatement of the century, but so are studded leather jackets on a Yorkshire Terrier or a pink dress on your miniature Poodle.

This whole idea of spoiling your pet with jewelry, marrying your pet off to another dog, dressing it up in costumes everyday and buying it a designer bag is, sorry to say, bizarre and slightly crazy!

If you're treating a living, functioning, breathing and thinking being on this planet as a toy, you've missed the mark on how to properly care for a pet.

They bring great joy to people of all ages and are wonderful companions and additions to the family. Growing up, we had tons of animals in our house, from birds and fish, to cats, dogs, gerbils and bunnies. I totally get it!

But what I will never understand is people who lose all touch with reality and humiliate their pets, to feed some kind of strange desire to treat their animal like an accessory.

If it's cold and you want to put a sweater on your dog, that makes sense, but giving it highlights and painting its nails is just plain wrong!

So if that's your idea pampering your pooch, maybe you should ask Santa to bring you a Barbie for Christmas, because at least that's what she was engineered for.

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!