Thursday, February 14, 2008


You know, I'd just like to take this opportunity to clear-up some common misconceptions.

For whatever reason, I'm an organized person. My mum says I've been that way since birth. When I was a kid, she never had to nag me to do my homework, or bribe me into cleaning my room. I just got it done without the need of any guidance from the parentals.

So, fast forward a couple of decades and here I am, Little Miss Self-Sufficient. Able to get things done without batting an eyelash, because that seems to be my X-Men mutant gift.

But it ain't easy to be organized in a world where others aren't. I mean, you have to wait for everyone else!

I get up in the morning and have to wait 15-minutes before I can get all the sports headlines off The Score.

I have to wait for what seems like an eternity for my slow-ass, decrepit elevator to reach my floor and take me back down to earth.

Then I have to head out to the bus stop and wait several minutes there for my morning ride to take me into work.

When I get to work, I write my casts and get everything ready, but then I have to wait for the top and bottom of the hour to do the news!

That's my daily routine. And now, because I'm so organized and ahead of the game, I did my taxes last week, hoping to get my returns in early. I have all the necessary paperwork, with the exception of a student loan statement. So here I am, waiting up to another 2-weeks for that!

So if you find yourself running behind this morning or in general, don't feel too bad about it. Afterall, it could be much, much worse. You could be the person waiting for you to show up!

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on the New Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!