Wednesday, November 28, 2007


So, I came into work on Monday, proud of myself and bragging to everyone in the studio about how I downloaded music from the internet, all by myself.

You may recall several months ago when I tried doing this for the first time, paid money for songs, downloaded them, but they weren't compatible or something with my MP3 player.

Well, instead of quitting, I gave it another shot!

I was so pleased to find a website over the weekend with all kinds of tunes on it that I could easily point, click and download into my MP3 program.

Everyone in the studio laughed at me like 'this is nearly 2008...We've been doing that for years!"

But for me, Little Miss Technophobe, it was a big deal.

So imagine how totally heartbroken I was to rush home yesterday to listen to the newly transferred beats, only to find they were not the real songs, rather an impression of them, as in muzac or versions of the songs sung by background singers. Some of them were actually quite good and I'm amazed there are people out there paid to sound like Timbaland, Alicia Keyes and even Bruce Springsteen. Even so, I'm like what the hell!

Why must I be continuously chastised, ostracized and brutalized by technology? What did I ever do to it? I never made fun of it in elementary school! The whole concept of technology is to improve things and make people's lives easier.

But still, I continue to get the short end of the electronics stick! I tried coming out of my shell for it, tried getting to know it, tried to understand its needs, and all it wants to do is keep me down!

So all I got to say to that is &^%$ you!

We're done. You're lucky if I ever go online again! Outside of work, I'll never visit your selfish ass again and if I didn't need you to do my job everyday, you'd be dead to me! Hear that technology? Dead to me!

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!