Tuesday, November 27, 2007


There are so many unsolved mysteries about the opposite sex that continue to baffle scientists and laymen alike. Some generalizations are true and others aren't, like shoes, for example.

Men constantly call-out women for their affinity for footwear, but I know plenty of men out there who have dozens of pairs of sneakers and worship and care for them better then their own wives and girlfriends! Guys will even cough-up over $200 for the hottest pair of new kicks, so I think both sexes are tied in that category.

For me though, I'll never understand why some men who don't bathe and wash their clothes regularly, still expect to get action. I'm thinking maybe they're taking the whole phermones thing overboard, because while it's true I want to smell you, I don't want to SMELL you.

But then we women do weird things like have a different set of underpants for different occasions. Like the daily underoos, ones for that time of the month, ones for a hot date and one's that you reserve for only the most special celebrations. When you add it all up, I've got 40-pairs of drawers, easily!

For Renee, her pet peeve about men is when they don't take care of their feet. I'll have to give her an Amen on that one because if women make sure our toes are polished and looking good, the least you can do is tend to yours once a week as well!

And JJ loves all kinds of things about women, but when you have a heart-to-heart with him, make it snappy! Us ladies tend to go into too much detail when dealing with emotional issues. That can get confusing for men sometimes and it seems as if they'd prefer the Coles Notes version on the whole ordeal.

Boogie has a long list of issues with women's behaviour. The biggest one centres around the toilet seat and how he thinks he doesn't have to put it down. I pointed out that when you buy a toilet, the seat is in the downward position, hence, that's the way it's supposed to be. And maybe if men aimed better, there would be no need to move the toilet seat in any direction.

Just a thought...

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!