Friday, September 5, 2008


September 5...2008

Calling all Yummy Mummy’s…if you’re Hot and you’re a Mom…stand up and salute yourself with a dash of hotness. Dash of hotness? I thought long and hard about how I was going to begin this entry and that’s the best I could come up with? It doesn’t even make sense yo…and why did I have to add in a yo? D’oh!

Sex addiction seems to be what everyone has been talking about as of late. Let me take a PG approach to this. If all you think of is “who who’s and ta ta’s” all day long, and wish to seek pleasure from the opposite sex on a constant basis…than maybe you might have what some call is an addiction to woopie-ness. You called, you wrote, and some think it’s an excuse for when someone cheats. The question remains…

Oh hey, it’s Friday and that means (drum roll) that we get two days off…that’s it. Are you a fan of Halloween? I know it’s too early to discuss this unofficial holiday, but I for one am already in search of the perfect costume. Any Suggestions?

Thanks for making the switch to JJ and Melanie in the Morning…like the ball in your mouse…always moving.
