Tuesday, June 3, 2008


June 3...2008

JJ and Melanie often stimulate our minds…and this morning was no different.

Let’s start off with everyone’s favorite subject…marijuana. According to a study out of Australia, marijuana can cause memory loss. Many of you called, and many of you forgot what you were going to say.

Apparently George Clooney dumped his ex in a not-so-kind way. JJ insists that sometimes putting your foot down in the only way to do it. If you wait too long, the GF might go crazy…thus causing her to never leave.

Every now and then JJ and Melanie come across an email that will inspire them to offer their high priced advice. Would you allow your 18-year-old child to be in their room with the opposite sex with the door closed? Heeeck NO! At least that’s how Melanie feels, and I could not agree more.

OK, my fingers hurt…and it’s not just because I’ve been picking my nose all morning.

Thanks for making the switch to JJ and Melanie in the morning…singing in the rain.
