Thursday, May 29, 2008


May 29...2008

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no wait…it’s a bear…run! Wait, don’t run…in fact curl up in the fetal position or make loud noises. A cuddly black bear was spotted roaming the streets of Pickering yesterday…but has since been put to sleep by the po po. How do you think you would react? JJ and Melanie are sure they would be safe in their branch/twig fort.

It’s Thursday, and that means it’s time for Code Wars. Newbie came up with a fantastic challenge for JJ and Melanie…or so he thought. Turns out Melanie knows Newbie more, and with that has taken the lead 4-2. 905’rs are glowing with excitement.

Tiger Woods called the show this morning and assured Melanie that everyone has a bad game from time to time…well not Tiger. Melanie participated in a charity golf game yesterday and gave a less than stellar performance, but still was the prettiest on the course.

Thanks for making the switch to JJ and Melanie in the morning…Ch Ch Ch Charming.
