Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Geek News - Jan 6 edition

Geek News: Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The BSG Spin off called Caprica will debut in early 2010 yesterday a sneek peek was posted online. Heres a slice:

Caprica stars Esai Morales and Eric Stoltz

NASA is once again trouble-shooting problems with a water recycling device aboard the international space station.
The device, which processes drinking water from urine, shut down on New Year's Eve.
The space agency is evaluating whether to send spare parts aboard the space shuttle Discovery next month or bring the device back to Earth for more analysis.
The source of the difficulties is a centrifuge, a component critical to distilling water from urine in the earliest stage of the purification process.

Some of Ford's new 2010 cars will be able to park themselves by using ultrasonic sensors on the front and rear bumpers.

Heres an interesting look into the future. In 1909, the New York Times spoke to the "famous mystic " Henri Antoine Jules-Bois and asked for his vision of what life would be like 100 years in the future."Mr. Bois believes that motor cars will in a hundred years be things of the past," noted the paper, "and that a kind of flying bicycle will have been invented which will enable everybody to traverse the air at will, far above the earth."Hardly anyone will remain in the cities at night. They will be places of business only. People of every class will reside in the country or in garden towns at considerable distances from the populous centres. Pneumatic railways and flying cars and many other means of quick transit will be so developed that the question of time will enter but little into one's choice of a home. Transportation will be immensely cheaper than it is at present. As there will be less crowding, realty values and rentals will be less exorbitant."