Thursday, April 17, 2008


April 17...2008

How low can you go? No, we’re not talking about limbo, we’re talking about your shirts ladies. JJ and Melanie were of the opinion that if you got it…flaunt it. If you don’t mind the attention (hopefully positive) then set that cleavage free.

Money brings happiness, oh wait no it doesn’t, yes it does. You be the judge! Melanie says she might be a different person if she swam in the dolla dolla bills, while JJ seems to think that money doesn’t buy happiness…I guess I’ll keep that yacht I was planning on giving him.

You heard it this morning, JJ and Newbie are doing a duet. It’s been narrowed down to a Broadway musical, but which one? Grease comes to mind, maybe even some Dirty Dancing.

Listen for your cue to call tomorrow morning for your chance to win a trip for 2 to sunny Orlando, Florida.

Thanks for making the switch to JJ & Melanie in the morning…now get down with your bad self.