Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Meet Tommi

Tommi A127752 - Tommi came to the THS in March 2008 as a kitten and has grown into a big handsome fellow. He has suffered adversities in his life, but has maintained a sweet nature and positive spirit throughout. His impaired vision and deafness are likely congenital but he manages well, and is a normal healthy cat otherwise.
His right eye was removed at 7 months old, and had surgery on the left one a few months later. His vision is like looking through thick sunglasses. He requires eye drops daily, and checkups at a specialist twice a year to monitor progress.

Looking past his disability one will see a loving, kitten-like, beautiful fellow. He loves being held, and cuddles with people or with other cats. He is very used to his eye drops, which are applied easily if he is cradled like a baby. When cuddled close, he licks ones hair, and may give a little love bite on the chin. Young cats like his playful love bites, but old ones usually don't!
Tommi manages his food, litter and grooming without any problems, and easily determines which chair is the cats' favourite, to use it too. He's playful, and really likes a ball within a ring. He vigorously uses a carpet post for scratching. Because of his deafness, his meow is loud, but calls out only when he is lost or feels alone. He needs a bit of light to see, but a night light or open drapes at night are sufficient.

Tommi is a sociable fellow who would like a home with a pet pal who will not mind his awkwardness and loud meows, and an owner who will cuddle him occasionally. His eye drops are important to maintain his vision, and will be required for his lifetime. Anyone who will can accept this inconvenience and increased vet visits will be rewarded with a loving companion.