Wednesday, January 30, 2008


If you've ever lived in an apartment building, you may be able to relate to this.

Even home-owners will get this, however, if so, it's more your fault than that of others.

I'm talking about clogged drains and the weird crap people put in them!

I recently had to whip-out the plunger and go to work on the kitchen sink because it was backing-up.

It started Saturday night, when I washed some left-over cous cous down the drain and apparently that was the last straw for my plugged-up sink. My step-father gave it a good plunging, but that was only a temporary fix.

So, I had to go in and do a little investigative surgery the other night to see what was going on in my choked-up drain.

Armed with chopsticks, tongs, a flashlight and the trusty old, pink and white Dollar Store plunger, I got down to the utterly disgusting work at hand and well, I couldn't believe what eventually gurgled up to the surface.

It wasn't someone's noodle salad, a chunk of solid grease, or a chicken bone. No, it was something else entirely!

What I thought was a mass of someone's hair, was really ancient, half-decomposed shoelaces and what looked like a wad of carpet!

Now, I don't know about you, but those aren't things I traditionally associate with disposing of in a sink, so I gotta ask, what the hell is wrong with people?!

I remember living in an apartment where the sink backed-up and the landlord had to get out the snake. A few minutes later, he yanked out half-a-dozen straws!

So, let's make this clear for anyone who's not sure. Tiny bits of food left on your plate can be washed away in the sink. Straws, carpet, shoe-laces and other non-edible products can't!!! Sound good?

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on the New Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!