Wednesday, January 2, 2008


Today's rant was going to be about the annual farce that is selecting a New Year's resolution, but that's just going to have to wait!

You may have heard the saying “No good deed goes unpunished”. Sounds kinda familiar, right? Well, I got a dose of that action first hand, care of Toronto's finest.

Although in this case, I use that term very lightly. Before I get all riled-up, I need to preface this by saying I know not all cops are power-hungry jerks with nothing better to do than impose their will on lowly minions like me. I've worked for years now with the police as part of my daily routine, getting information to pass along to you and aiding them to get out information that helps with their investigations.

And it's because of this work that I have always gone out of my way to defend and explain the role and behaviour of the police to people who claim brutality or wrongdoing. Through my job, I get to see both sides of the coin.

On New Year's Eve, I got a first-hand look at how ridiculous some officers can be. To make a long story short, I was given a ticket for crossing at a red light! I was actually followed by a cruiser while I walked along a noisy and busy Yonge Street around 7:30 Monday night on my way to a party. These 2-cops then did a u-turn to meet me head on because clearly, they had nothing more productive to do like, oh, I don't know, catch drunk drivers, arrest no-good thugs, round-up some pedophiles or maybe even bust some drug dealers and pimps.

No, they chose me, clearly a hardened criminal with a record longer than the Great Wall of China, to slap with a $45 ticket, because they knew how much of a danger to society I really am. I even called the Chief of Police to see if I was just the first unfortunate victim of a new militant pedestrian crackdown starting in the New Year, and he said “no”. So I guess you’re safe, but if you’re a redhead, watch-out for these two constables-without-a-clue, cruising the downtown core!

Before I burst a blood vessel telling you how I really feel, here's the question I'm putting to you Toronto, and the fine folks across the GTA. Do I fight this ticket? Do I plead guilty? Do I plead guilty with an excuse, or do I waste even more precious court time and your tax dollars on a public defender to get me out of this completely absurd situation?

Call, text or more importantly, email me,

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on The New Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!