Thursday, January 3, 2008


The party is over! No more booze, yummy food, delectable sweets, over-charging the credit card or sleeping in. It's back to the real world. It's time to get back to work.

And you know after everyone on the job asks you how your holiday was, the next question will be, "So what's your New Year's resolution?"

It's almost like the weather. One of those small-talk, mundane questions that we always find ourselves asking each other about. But do we really care?

Who came up with this lame concept anyway? Have you ever stuck to your resolution? Why does it have to happen in January, when our minds are already half-frozen from the winter?

Clearly, we're not thinking straight when we decide how we want to better ourselves. We always do it over the holidays when we're stuffed tighter than the Christmas goose and at least half-in-the bag on spiked egg nog!

Resolutions never seem to stick and always seem to make already hard-on-themselves folks feel even worse.

Honestly, I've had the goal of cutting down on my foul language for over 15-years now and I'm still swearing-up a storm better than Popeye caught in hurricane on the Atlantic.

All I know is that I think I'm pretty great and I think you are too. If you over-ate, over-drank, over-spent, over-partied or overdid something over the holidays, just let it go!

You're still a good person! But now's the time to get back into the regular routine again and cleanse your body of all the richness associated with the holidays.

If you're worried about your weight, get a friend at school or the office to take a few trips around the block with you over your lunch-break. If you think you spent too much on presents, make out a budget for the next few months and figure out how you can put some money back onto your credit card.

All these things are do-able. You just have to be sensible about them and calm. Beating yourself-up for behaviours and imperfections that each and everyone of us has, will always keep you from getting out of the starting block.

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on The New Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!