Thursday, February 14, 2008


It's on this day every year that one gets a bevy of reactions. Some people love Valentine's Day, others loathe it, and the rest barely notice it and generally just don't care.

I share my thoughts with you on this topic every year about how this is really just some marketing ploy meant to get more money out of your hands and into cash registers across the land.

It's really more about a passion for material items today than it is a yearning, burning, throbbing and aching for your sweetheart.

But you can also take a less jaded view on it, if you choose.

There's the constant argument that couples should be nice to each other regardless of what day it is. But let's be honest, with jobs, school, kids, bills and all that crap, sometimes there's no room for daily romance, so today's an excuse to go all out!

However, if you're flying solo and none too happy about it, today can really stink. Alas, you can always hold onto the fact you're not alone on that rickety Boat of the Un-Attached.

And don't forget, not everyone who is in a relationship right now is all that happy. Between you and me, things are less than stellar in Jones' household and today's a day I'd rather soon sleep through.

But you gotta remember, no matter what your romantic situation is or isn't right now, there are people in your life that love, appreciate and respect you.

So, instead of getting down when you see people smelling roses and munching on chocolates, remember that today and above all else, love yourself...And that can be done in more ways than one! :P

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on the New Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!