Friday, February 1, 2008


This is a kind of exciting time to get into politics. If you were never interested before, the things that are unfolding state-side might catch your eye for the simple fact history is being made.

I was watching a pre-election debate last night featuring candidates, neither of which was a rich, old white guy. Surprise, surprise! The only people now running for the democratic presidential nomination are an African-American man, and a woman!

That means whichever one of them wins the primaries, has a 50/50 shot at leading the world's most powerful country. You know there are a lot of red-necks and misogynists rolling in their graves at the thought of that.

So imagine how amazing it would be if Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton teamed-up as a President-Vice President duo, or vice versa?

That would be pretty cool indeed. But there is a drawback to this situation.

I don't know about those two candidates, but I wouldn't want anyone voting for me just because I'm a woman, or just because of my ethnicity.

It's a given, a lot of people will vote along gender or race lines and since both candidates have similar goals for getting the US back on track, it's going to be a tough choice for anyone voting Democratic in November.

But like all big decisions in life, they require much thought and examination. And when it comes to giving someone a job, it should always be based on their qualifications, personality and ability to inspire and lead their co-workers.

It shouldn't be about what kind of image or message they present to society.

While it is an uplifting thing to see America finally embracing progressive candidates like these, I only hope the right person for the job will be nominated and race or gender won't be the deciding or hindering factor.

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on the New Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!