Friday, December 7, 2007


There's always a great debate every year about when you should put up your Christmas tree. Is the first week of December too early? Is the last week of December too late?

I guess it all depends on family tradition or making your own when you move out and start your own family.

So like probably many of you out there, I'm putting my tree up this weekend, with a bit of apprehension.

Being 'Mistress Christmas', you'd think I'd be all over the idea of getting my place decorated, but this year, I kinda lacking the spirit.

It's so bad right now, I think I'm going to have to ingest spirits to really get into the whole ordeal, because when you break it down, it is a big task!

Pulling out all those boxes, unwrapping all those glass balls, bells, lights, candy canes and wreaths and then positioning them oh-so-perfectly on the tree can be a little daunting, if not time consuming and slightly irritating after a while.

The other thing that bothers me about this whole decorating of the tree business, is every year I buy new lights. Since I'm petrified they'll run-out midway through the holidays and I'll have to strip, then re-dress my tree, a fresh set of lights are a must.

But I'm sort of in the dumps because I can't find the ones I like. They have all these different flicker and glowing settings and they're so much fun! However, it seems they've been replaced by some other kind of creation meant to win us over at the cash register this year.

My mum thinks I'm not into Christmas yet because I'm getting older and realizing the holidays are indeed, a lot of hard work to pull-off. She's probably onto something there, but I figure it's nothing a little spiked eggnog, my Christmas Log DVD and some holiday tunes can't fix.

But if you hear tormented screams and a whole lot of cursing coming from the north end of the city this weekend, don't worry, it's only me putting up my tree!

But Whatever!

You can hear Ruby Jones' Whatever rants live Tuesday-Friday during the Morning Show at 7:50, on Flow 93.5. Or check out the podcast at!